​​7161 Beecher Road SW

Pataskala, OH 43062


Our Purpose & Vision

Welcome to Bethel Baptist Church!!!

At Bethel Baptist Church, we are ALIVE IN CHRIST!  Our church is based on the Word of God and the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God.  We are Bible-believing Christians who fellowship and worship together because of God's great mercy and grace through Jesus Christ.

As a church family, we want to edify and encourage one another and to serve our Lord together.  Because of God's great love, we want to reach out to our community with the message of His love and salvation.

Contact Us

     We meet in person on Sunday mornings at 10am for Sunday School, 11am for our regular Worship Service, and on Wednesday evenings at 7pm for Bible Study/Prayer.  No Sunday evening services until further notice. 

     Children's Church meets every Sunday at 11am for ages 2 through 4th grade (no 10am Sunday School for children yet)!!!  At this time we also have not yet opened our Wednesday evening children's ministries.​​​​

     Sunday and Wednesday services are available on our Facebook page and Sunday messages are also available on the Sermons page.


On Sunday, January 19, during our Missions Emphasis Sunday, missionary Bethany I. was with us to present her ministry with Bibles International as a Bible translator.  She is supported through Baptist Mid-Missions.  Click here to learn more about Bethany and click here to support her directly with a debit/credit card.  You can also designate a cash or check offering to Bethany at the church. 

​​​​Sunday, April 6, 11am - Communion will be served!  Join us as we celebrate the Lord's Table.

Sunday, April 13, 11am - Come beat the Easter rush!  Join us for our Palm Sunday worship service. Celebrate Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem as He prepares Himself to be our sacrificial Lamb!

Sunday, April 20, 9:45am - Resurrection Sunday BRUNCH!  In place of our normal Sunday School hour, bring a breakfast item to share for our EASTER fellowship.  Invite your family & friends.  All are welcome!!!  Please bring your food by 9:45am.  Brunch starts at 10am.

Sunday, April 20, 11am - EASTER SUNDAY! Join us for this very special Sunday morning as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ!!!!!

Sunday, May 4, 11am - Communion will be served!  Join us as we celebrate the Lord's Table.

"Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord."     - Romans 6:11

Copyright © 2025 Bethel Baptist Church, Pataskala, OH. All rights reserved.

Bethel Baptist Church

7161 Beecher Rd SW

Pataskala, OH 43062 US



Are you looking for a friendly, Christ-centered church that focuses on the eternal truth of God's Word?  Bethel Baptist Church presents the Bible in a straight-forward, practical way just as God intended it to be.  When that happens, we find the joy and peace that He wants us to have in this life and for eternity! 

Come visit us and taste the love, mercy, and grace that God provided for you through His Son, Jesus Christ.  You won't be disappointed!

Service Times


Sunday School..........................10:00 A.M.

Morning Worship.....................11:00 A.M.

Evening Worship.........................6:00 P.M.


Bible Study & Prayer Meeting...7:00 P.M.

Bethel Bible Club (children).......7:00 P.M.

The Gospel

Upcoming Events 2025

The Bible clearly explains that all human beings are sinners (Romans 3:23) and that the wages of sin is [eternal] death (Romans 6:23). But the good news of the Gospel is that Jesus Christ has paid for our sin penalty through His shed blood on the cross.

The gift of salvation can only be received through faith and trust in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Learn more about God's Way of Salvation