Missions is an important way in which we can reach the rest of the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our missionaries include those who serve here in the United States as well as those who serve around the globe.
Bethel Baptist Church financially and prayerfully supports the following missionaries:
- Toby & Susan Stevens (and their two sons, Curtis and Clayton) serve with Baptist Mid-Missions (BMM) as church planters at International Baptist Church in East Cambridge, Massachusetts, just outside of Boston. Find out more about the Stevens' ministry and how you can support them at www.bmm.org/families/stevens-toby-and-susan.
- Bethany I. (her last name has been withheld for security purposes) serves with Baptist Mid-Missions (BMM) Bible translation society, Bibles International, and is preparing to be a Bible translator in Africa. Find out more about Bethany's ministry and how you can support her at www.bmm.org/families/i-bethany.
- Odir and Cynthia Brandao (and their two children) serve with Association of Baptists for World Evangelism (ABWE) assisting churches in São Paulo, Brazil, with preaching and teaching. Find out more about the Brandao's ministry and how you can support them at give.abwe.org/worker/odir-and-cynthia-brandao and www.brandaoministry.com.
- Roy Jones (and his wife Nancy who went to be with the Lord in August 2023) served with Association of Baptists for World Evangelism (ABWE) planting churches around Madrid, Spain. Although they "retired" from full-time ministry in 2020, Roy still lives in Spain and assists with the local church plant. Find out more about Roy's ministry and how you can support him at the ABWE website at give.abwe.org/worker/roy-and-nancy-jones and learn more about the mission field in Spain at www.abwe.org.
- Gary & Betty Holtz served with Baptist Mid-Missions (BMM) at Campus Bible Fellowship in Dayton, Ohio on the campuses of Wright State University and Sinclair Community College. Although they "retired" from full-time ministry at the end of 2019, they still assist on a part-time basis. Find out more about the Holtz' ministry and how you can support them at the BMM website at www.bmm.org/families/holtz-gary-and-betty and the ministry at campusbiblefellowship.org. The Baptist Mid-Missions (BMM) website featuring college ministries is at www.bmm.org.
- The church also supports three other missionaries in their retirement (Hollaway, Hornbrook, & Fields).
In addition, Bethel Baptist Church supports the following ministries:
- Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches - oarbc.org. The OARBC is a home for independent, autonomous Baptist churches who desire to make a stronger stand for the Gospel in Ohio by partnering with like-minded churches.
- Our Daily Bread - odb.org. Our Daily Bread's mission is to make the life-changing wisdom of the Bible understandable and accessible to all. They are most well known for daily devotionals and other Bible-study resources.
"Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord." - Romans 6:11
Copyright © 2018 Bethel Baptist Church, Pataskala, OH. All rights reserved.